
An der Implementierung folgender Projekte waren Mitarbeiter des Zentrums beteiligt:

Dr. Jens Lowitzsch

  • World Bank Project "Current Insolvency Status in Romania and Worldwide", Team Leader, 2002
  • EU TACIS Project "Assistance in the Legal Reform of Kazakhstan: Notary reform", International Senior Legal Expert/Legal Training Expert (STE), 2002
  • World Bank project for the Russian Fund for Legal Reforms "Training Program for Local Experts Involved in the Legal Drafting Process in Orel Oblast", Legal Expert (STE), 2000

Stefan Hanisch

  • EuropeAid Project "Social Partnership in Vocational Education and Training 2, Uzbekistan", International Senior Legal expert (STE), 2008/2009 
  • EuropeAid Project "Extended Support to the Partnership and Cooperation Agreement between the EU and Uzbekistan, Phase III", International Senior Legal Expert (STE)/ Judicial Training expert, 2006/2007 
  • EuropeAid Project "Further Deepening of Democratic Reforms in Uzbekistan", International Senior Legal Expert (STE)/Legal Drafting expert, 2004/2005
  • EuropeAid Project "Support to Democracy, Uzbekistan (Bridge)", International Senior Legal Expert (STE)/Legal drafting expert, 2003
  • EU TACIS Project "Regional Economic Development and Anti-Crisis Strategies with the Federation Council of the Russian Federation", Legal Expert (STE), 2002
  • EU TACIS Project "Assistance in the Legal Reform of Kazakhstan: Notary reform", Legal Expert (STE), 2002
  • World Bank project for the Russian Fund for Legal Reforms "Training Program for Local Experts Involved in the Legal Drafting Process in Orel Oblast", Legal Expert (STE), 2000
  • EU TACIS project "Support to Address the Social Consequences of Coal Restructuring through Local Economic Development in Donetsk, Ukraine", Legal Expert (STE), 1999

Erstellen technischer Angebote für EU- und Weltbank-finanzierte Projekte, Leitung von Arbeitsgruppen zur Erstellung der juristischen Komponente von technischen Angeboten:

  • Information Matters – Transparency and Accountability in the Kyrgyz Republic (IMTAK) (World Bank), 2010
  • Local Administration Reform Programme (Ministry of Interior of the Turkish Republic/EU), 2006
  • Development of Federal and Regional Legislation on Inter-Budgetary Relations and Sub-Federal Finances (Ministry of Finance of The Russian Federation/World Bank), 2004
  • Consultancy Services in Study on Legal Gaps in Economic Legislation (Russian Fund for Legal Reforms/World Bank)
  • Legal Protection for Economic Operators (Presidential Administration of the Russian Federation/EU)
  • Regional Economic Development and Anti-Crisis Strategies (Federation Council of the Russian Federation/EU)
  • Institutional, Legal and Economic Federalism, Russian Federation (Government of the Russian Federation/EU)