Strukturelle Maßnahmen

Structural Measures projects aim to improve Partner Countries'  overall higher education systems. Themes for such projects can include national laws,  and organisation, coordination, accreditation, evaluation, policy of higher education systems at national level, for example.

Structural Measures are designed to support the structural reform of higher education systems and strategic development at national level, based on priorities that the competent Partner Countries authorities have identified. They can address issues linked to the reform of governance systems (qualification systems, quality assurance, etc.) or developing better links between higher education and society at large.

Structural Measures include studies and research, conferences and seminars, training courses, policy advice and dissemination of information. Limited and short-term mobility of students, academic staff and university administrators may be possible, as part of a Tempus project, but only as long as it contributes to the achievement of the project's objective(s).

Two categories of Structural Measures

  • 'National Structural Measures' target one Partner Country and focus on the national priorities set for that country. 
  • 'Multi-country Structural Measures' aim to benefit more than one Partner Country. They focus on regional priorities, which are common to all Partner Countries in one region. They can also address a national priority  shared by a number of Partner Countries. 

National and regional priorities are defined in calls for proposals.

'Multi-country Structural Measures' may involve Partner Countries from different regions, provided that the theme of the proposal is identified as a regional or national priority for all of the participating Partner Countries.
